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Try At Home

Try at home for 7 days

Choose up to 5 items to try. Take 7 days after delivery to decide what you'd like to keep

Pay later

We’ll put a hold on your card for the full order amount and reauthorize as needed, but you’ll only pay for what you keep.

Free Returns

We think you'll love your new activewear — and we're making it easy to find your perfect fit and style. Print out a free shipping label and send back any unworn items that you don't want within your 7 day trial. We do not accept any returns if the tags are removed or the item is worn or washed, so make sure to leave all tags attached until you decide to keep the item(s).

Try At Home orders are not eligible for discount codes. See FAQs for more info.

Powered by TryNow.



You've taken an important step to help build a circular clothing system and reduce waste.

We'll email you in the next couple business days with a pre-paid shipping label to send your gear to our partners at The Renewal Workshop, and a discount code for 10% off* your next Myles order.

* We are happy to offer a 10% discount on your next order to thank you for helping keep clothing in use and out of landfills. Please note that one discount code will be given per return, regardless of how many items are returned for renewal. Extra Myles discount codes expire after 60 days. Customers will be given one active Extra Myles discount code at a time. Terms and conditions apply.